Meet My Plants: Purchased + Propagated
Hi, hello there. It's your favorite little human bean. How do you do? Hopefully, everyone is doing well and having a lovely summer so far. If not, I'm sorry, WE'RE GONNA BE OKAY. Anyhoo, ever since the start of quarantine a few months back, I obviously was experiencing quite a lot of loneliness. Having zero human interaction other than my parents was a little bit stressful as well as not really the human interaction I was wanting. I love you, mom. Promise. But I missed my friends and everything so I did the only logical thing I could think to do. Cry.

A few weeks later and here we are! I'm happy to say I've been able to keep all my plants alive and that honestly surprises me. I thought for sure I would kill at least one so I'm very happy my babies are all still growing and thriving. I bought most of my plants and had one given to me by my mom to kind of jumpstart my plant collection and I'm pretty proud of the selection that I've been able to build.
I've also begun propagating a few of my plants so I'll show you those in a second once we get deeper into things. I've also named all my plants so this is going to be fun. I haven't thought of names yet for the plants I'm currently trying to root so if anyone has any suggestions on names, I would love to know!

Anyhoo, that one I named Klaus, the little guy on the right. I love his two-toned leaves and he seems to be in much better shape ever since I brought him home. His leaves are a little taller and he's been getting plenty of love.
The one on the right I named Violet. Anyone get the reference? I fell in love with her as soon as my eyes landed on her because of her beautiful leaves and she's gotten bigger since I brought her home too. This picture was taken about two weeks ago and since then her leaves have started to open up and spread out and she's already started growing a couple of new leaves. I'm so proud of her.

He's actually gotten so much bigger in the past few weeks, after a couple of weeks being in my care, I actually had to purchase a bigger pot for him as he was way too big for the one he was already in. Since repotting him, he's continued to keep growing and has even begun growing a whole new vine! Eventually, I need to get some sort of frame or rail to start elevating his vines but I'll get to that hopefully soon.
I've also cut off a couple of his leaves to propagate them and, spoiler alert, it's been successful so far. There's one leaf that's kind of giving me some trouble but it's okay, I'll trim down the stem and try again. I was afraid I would fail miserably to root the leaves so I didn't bother trimming down their stems.

I bought this one at Lowe's and I have to say, they have THE BEST selection of plants there! There's so many different ones for all different types of environments and I always go in there wanting to buy like 50 of them. There are so many options. Anyway, I bought this one because of the beautiful blue color!
This succulent is sprayed with a certain mineral color I believe to dye the leaves this blue color without causing it any harm. I had never seen a plant like this before so I might go back and see if I can find one in a different color to keep her company.

Luckily Peter's old pot was the perfect size, if not a little too big to allow Lisa to keep growing and give her room to breathe. I'm not sure I would be able to propagate this plant as I've never heard of anyone doing that to a succulent but maybe I'm just really out of the loop. I'll have to do some research on a couple of my plants but for now, I'm just happy they're alive.
I also found this cute wire rack thing at the thrift store to put Lisa on so she can rest nicely on the patio in the corner. I'm not sure if this is actually a plant stand but it is now.

This first picture on the left was taken after a couple of weeks of caring for her and as you can see, she's so much bigger now. Her leaves widened and got larger and she's also grown so many new leaves already. I imagine I'm going to have to repot her within the next few weeks so we'll see how much she grows when that happens.
She's a little sensitive to sunlight but loves plenty of water. Because my apartment's windows face west, I only get about three to four hours of direct sunlight onto my plants and the sun shining through my windows which is actually the PERFECT amount of sunlight for this little lady.
Her name is Rosé and I'm honestly surprised that she's been able to survive the crazy heat and humidity that we've been plagued with recently. I'm surprised all my plants are alive in this heat actually. I usually try to look out for plants that don't need that much sunlight because of the placement of my apartment but also plants that don't need to be a small range of temperatures.
I mean, I don't plan on leaving my plants outside whenever it starts to get freezing cold when winter comes but I like that pretty much all my plants do well in high and low temperatures so I don't have to worry too much about them in that aspect.

I named her Jisoo, totally a random name, I know. There are zero references to anything, just found it on Google. Anyhoo, she's nice a tall so I won't have to worry about her leaves getting wider or spreading out like my succulents have done.
I was going to put her inside with me but I liked how she looked out on my patio table. She kind of reminds me of a decorative centerpiece so I thought that was fitting. I also bought that little white lantern to keep her company and I've been meaning to buy a little battery-powered candle to put inside of it. I love turning on my patio lights at night and watching the sunset while eating a nice cold popsicle, I swear sunsets in Texas just hit different.

I made sure to switch out the water every week and I'm sure that getting some liquid fertilizer probably would've helped it root faster but I wanted to try it with just water. I actually have another leaf that's finally started to root as of last week as well! There are actually three baby roots sprouting an they're all between half an inch to three-quarters of an inch long.
Anyway, this one I named Jennie and I haven't decided yet if she's going to be an indoor ivy since I don't have any plants in the living room or kitchen but I also don't want her separated from her sisters. I think way too much about these things if it wasn't obvious. I'll see what I decide but I might keep Jennie inside for a few more weeks until she gets a little bit bigger since I'm scared to put her outside right now since I just potted her and I want her roots to get nice and strong.

As you can see, two of them are doing pretty well while the third one I think is one I'm going to trim down a bit and see if I can save it. Anyhoo, I'm actually really impressed with how fast a cutting of Jisoo has rooted!
It's been in this water for a little over a week and already it has about ten roots growing! I recently noticed upon looking at it that there was actually a root growing towards the top of the cutting since it had fallen into the water overnight and it already had a root sprout! I don't know what kind of plant this is since I accidentally threw out the sticker for it but I would totally recommend this one if you're wanting to propagate some plants to grow your own plant collection a budget. I plan on potting it within the next week and giving it to my mom and I'll probably take another cutting from Jisoo to hopefully give her a sister or a brother.
ANYWAY, those are all my plant babies! Let me know how many plants you own, which one is your favorite, or if you're also trying to propagate some plants. I hope you enjoyed reading this post and until next time!