Bullet Journal With Me: July Set-Up + Favorite Spreads!
Hello there. It's me again, hold the applause. It's no secret that lately the world seems to be literally falling apart and that everyone is just trying to get through the day without breaking down and honestly, I'm right there with you. I would like a refund on 2020 please and thank you. But, like I've been saying all year long, WE'RE ALL GONNA BE OKAY! Just breathe. Come together, wear a mask, love one another, keep going!
Now that we have that out of the way, let's continue onto something lighthearted to get your mind off of some things. Today, I want to show everyone out there my bullet journal spread for this month seeing as I'm pretty excited about my theme even though it's no longer relevant but it's fine. Let's get into it, shall we? Bullet journal nerds, UNITE.

I've been having so much fun playing with different themes every month instead of just making my spreads look pretty. I love having specific color pallets and fonts to play with to not only challenge my creativity but also teach myself different fonts and inspire me to create more doodles in my journal. Not to mention it all looks cohesive and satisfying whenever I flip through the pages and see everything come together, it's quite nice.

But since I've been thinking of little things to do here and there and putting more of my energy into working on blog post ideas and decorating my new apartment, I decided to try out a weekly spread to help me keep track of different things I want to get done. I mainly use it as a daily to-do list and it's actually helped me stay on track of everything.
I like to play around with the different designs for my weekly spreads and I think I'm liking the thinner and longer columns for writing down my tasks every day. I also put a notes section on each week to keep track of any bills or things I need to take care of sometime within the week.

I usually don't watch TV so the only shows I watch are either on Netflix or Hulu so I thought it would be fun to look back on my shows that I completed.
I've also been loving the blogging spread because I can look at it every week and figure out which posts I want to go up when and also be able to write down little notes beside each post like what my favorite part of the post was or if there's anything I would like to add in the future to a similar post. I'm a visual person so I like to write things down and see it physically on a piece of paper. Call me old school but I'm going to embrace it.

My favorite tracker to keep up with is my workout and plant columns. I usually like to water my plants every two to three days depending on how dry their soil is so being able to look back on my trackers is a huge help so I don't accidentally overwater or underwater them.
And of course, who doesn't love a good quote page? This one, in particular, is pretty relevant and it's nice to be able to see it as a daily reminder that even when life feels overwhelming and hard, you're going to come out so much stronger and wiser at the end of everything. Mulan literally is so inspiring, like wow.
Well, that's it for my favorite spreads and my theme for this month's bullet journal. I hope someone out there in the world found this somewhat interesting! If you have a bullet journal, what are some of your favorite spreads to use? I would love to know! Until next time!