Making My 2021 Mood Board + Review of My 2020 Mood Board
Hi, there. It's me. Your favorite neighborhood homebody. I really hope that 2021 has been a good year to all of you so far, even though now apparently there's a super string of the virus so that's just great now, isn't it? Anyway, after the year we all had to deal with last year, I wanted to make some goals for myself that would kind of reset my mindset a little bit and push myself harder and give myself some even bigger goals for 2021.
2021 isn't just going to magically be a better year than 2020. Yes, it still might suck right now in your mind, but you have to make it a great year. It's all about your mindset, my loves. You have to wake up every morning and tell yourself that it's going to be a good day, that you're going to achieve so much more than you thought you would be capable of. I know it sounds a little dumb or silly, but that's what it's going to take to make 2021 an AMAZING year.
I set some pretty big goals for myself for last year, knowing I probably wouldn't be able to achieve it but my goodness, was I going to give it my all and hope for the best. I was ready for a lot of the goals I wanted to achieve and the things I wanted to have in my life and I was determined to just keep trying and hoping and working hard for everything I wanted. And by the end of the year, I couldn't believe what I had accomplished from my 2020 mood board, it was crazy.
I'll be reviewing my mood board from last year later in the post or you can just skip to it right now if you'd like. But first, let me start off with my process for making my 2021 mood board and how I made it. After that, we'll get into which goals I set for myself and what they all personally mean to me. LET'S GET STARTED!
So first off, you're gonna want to write down all your goals. Grab a notebook, a piece of paper, your phone, whatever will help to note those goals of yours. I like the idea of writing down all your goals inside a notebook, that way you have them all written out into a list that you can keep with you throughout the year and even have it as a reminder.
Once you have all those goals written out, print out pictures that correspond with those goals. Whatever the image is, as long as it makes sense to you and you understand what it means, print it out! Once you have all those images, grab a corkboard, memo board, piece of cardboard, canvas, whatever you want to use as your mood board. Just make sure you can easily hang it so you can look at it every day. That's important.
Now you can start gluing your pictures however and wherever you want onto your board. I decided to plan out my mood board and divide it into sections. One for money and financial goals, one for my "in progress" goals, one for my traveling goals, and finally one for my personal/dating life. I pretty much covered all the basis there.
Once you have all those goals written out, print out pictures that correspond with those goals. Whatever the image is, as long as it makes sense to you and you understand what it means, print it out! Once you have all those images, grab a corkboard, memo board, piece of cardboard, canvas, whatever you want to use as your mood board. Just make sure you can easily hang it so you can look at it every day. That's important.
Now you can start gluing your pictures however and wherever you want onto your board. I decided to plan out my mood board and divide it into sections. One for money and financial goals, one for my "in progress" goals, one for my traveling goals, and finally one for my personal/dating life. I pretty much covered all the basis there.
For my financial and money goals, I wanted to shoot for the stars. Why not dream big? Even if I'm not able to achieve those goals, just having it set for myself and focusing on making it a reality is enough for me to feel proud that I stayed determined to make my goals a reality. My goals are as follows:
1. Buy my dream car (cash and without a car payment
2. Buy a house or be able to move out on my own (no roommate!)
3. Be financially successful (not have to worry about bills and just being comfortable)
4. Save a certain amount of money in my savings account
5. Buy a Chanel purse, wallet, etc. (treat yoself)
6. Be like Amber Scholl (she's literally so sweet, kind, and giving)
None of these goals are vain or materialistic in my mind. If I don't end up with a Chanel purse this year, I'm pretty sure I'll live. They're just goals I would love to have for myself, my number one being financially comfortable. I want to be able to no longer worry about money or stress about paying a bill. It's a financial goal I would love to achieve for myself and I'm determined to work hard for it.
2. Buy a house or be able to move out on my own (no roommate!)
3. Be financially successful (not have to worry about bills and just being comfortable)
4. Save a certain amount of money in my savings account
5. Buy a Chanel purse, wallet, etc. (treat yoself)
6. Be like Amber Scholl (she's literally so sweet, kind, and giving)
None of these goals are vain or materialistic in my mind. If I don't end up with a Chanel purse this year, I'm pretty sure I'll live. They're just goals I would love to have for myself, my number one being financially comfortable. I want to be able to no longer worry about money or stress about paying a bill. It's a financial goal I would love to achieve for myself and I'm determined to work hard for it.
For my "in progress" goals, those are ones I currently have been or are working towards since last year. They're more "every day" goals that are ones I've been focusing on for a minute but I still want to remind myself to keep working towards them. Those are as follows:
1. Get fit: *cue picture of Chloe Ting
2. Travel (if it's safe)
3. See BTS in concert (because covid canceled that last year)
4. Get a dog (there's a story I'll get into later)
5. GET MORE PLANTS (basically turn my place into a greenhouse)
I got really good at making workouts a habit once we were all in lockdown. I worked out almost every day, started eating great, and stuck with it for almost 5 months! I could feel myself getting stronger in my legs and arms, and I felt good. I mastered planks and my abs were feeling tighter. But then I stopped, got lazy, started working more on other things. AND I'M TIRED OF IT. I have all my workout gear ready, just bought some new sports bras. It's go time.
I also want to travel this year, again, if it's safe. The reason why this one is in my "in progress" goals is that I'm actually already planning a trip somewhere with my sister. We want to travel to Europe this year, if everything works out and it's safe for us to travel, we'll already have things figured out. So here's to hoping!
2. Travel (if it's safe)
3. See BTS in concert (because covid canceled that last year)
4. Get a dog (there's a story I'll get into later)
5. GET MORE PLANTS (basically turn my place into a greenhouse)
I got really good at making workouts a habit once we were all in lockdown. I worked out almost every day, started eating great, and stuck with it for almost 5 months! I could feel myself getting stronger in my legs and arms, and I felt good. I mastered planks and my abs were feeling tighter. But then I stopped, got lazy, started working more on other things. AND I'M TIRED OF IT. I have all my workout gear ready, just bought some new sports bras. It's go time.
I also want to travel this year, again, if it's safe. The reason why this one is in my "in progress" goals is that I'm actually already planning a trip somewhere with my sister. We want to travel to Europe this year, if everything works out and it's safe for us to travel, we'll already have things figured out. So here's to hoping!
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BTS Love Yourself World Tour 2018 |
I also want to get and KEEP a dog this year. Yeah, there's quite a story to that one. I actually did get a dog back in October and she was the sweetest little puppy. She was REALLY needy and needed a lot of discipline since her old owner, only did so much as potty train her. She didn't know right from wrong so it was basically teaching her from scratch. However, I only had her for a month before I no longer had her. I'm just gonna say it DEFINITELY wasn't my choice to give her away. I came home one day and she was gone. I still have all her stuff like her kennel, blankets, toys, etc. So I'm luckily already prepared for another dog, this time I want to wait until the summer or later this year to get another dog so I can have time to get settled and everything. I have some plans for this summer so stay tuned!
So now for my travel goals:
1. Go on a road trip (with the girls)
2. Get a tattoo
3. Go back to Puerto Rico
4. Focus on my art
So a couple of these aren't exactly travel related. But I put them in this section because, for me, traveling also means to just be free-spirited and see where life takes you. I would love to get a micro tattoo because I don't know my pain tolerance and needles are scary. And as for my artwork, who knows where that could take me once I actually refocus on work on my passions again.
1. Go on a road trip (with the girls)
2. Get a tattoo
3. Go back to Puerto Rico
4. Focus on my art
So a couple of these aren't exactly travel related. But I put them in this section because, for me, traveling also means to just be free-spirited and see where life takes you. I would love to get a micro tattoo because I don't know my pain tolerance and needles are scary. And as for my artwork, who knows where that could take me once I actually refocus on work on my passions again.
I miss Puerto Rico so much, and I'm aching to go back there! I have a full post on my trip there which you can read if you're interested! I took that trip during a very rough time in my life and it was so therapeutic to get away from everything for a little bit. I felt so refreshed and I was able to just focus on life for a few days, realizing that my heartbreak and pain really wasn't going to last forever and that there's so much life out there that I needed to see and experience. It became almost a magical place for me so I would love to go back to Puerto Rico, a place that honestly helped me heal, and just say thank you and experience it again with new eyes and a happier me.
The last few goals for 2021 are a little sappy but they come from a deeper place in my heart. They are as follows:
1. Open myself up to someone special
2. Stop being afraid of love and "I love you"s
3. Fall in love again
4. Potentially meet (or if I've already met him) my future husband
5. Ride a Ferris wheel (because I've never gotten on one)
At the end of 2019, I experienced probably the biggest heartbreak I've ever had in my life. I cried for weeks, the pain was just so overwhelming and I thought for a second the pain might actually kill me. I struggled for months to get over the person who made me so happy and it was hard. I was numb for a long time and I didn't even realize it. Over the summer, I had to hit the restart button. I was using everything as a distraction because I didn't want to face the pain. But it got to the point where not facing it was only hurting me more than I realized. So, I focused on myself. I cut some things and people off that weren't good for me and surprisingly, after a month of just being alone and focusing on me, I actually felt happy.
1. Open myself up to someone special
2. Stop being afraid of love and "I love you"s
3. Fall in love again
4. Potentially meet (or if I've already met him) my future husband
5. Ride a Ferris wheel (because I've never gotten on one)
At the end of 2019, I experienced probably the biggest heartbreak I've ever had in my life. I cried for weeks, the pain was just so overwhelming and I thought for a second the pain might actually kill me. I struggled for months to get over the person who made me so happy and it was hard. I was numb for a long time and I didn't even realize it. Over the summer, I had to hit the restart button. I was using everything as a distraction because I didn't want to face the pain. But it got to the point where not facing it was only hurting me more than I realized. So, I focused on myself. I cut some things and people off that weren't good for me and surprisingly, after a month of just being alone and focusing on me, I actually felt happy.
I felt like I was getting somewhere, I started to feel like myself again and I was loving the path I was on, all the blessings I was receiving and had been praying and hoping for. Of course, most of these things aren't romance-related necessarily. If I'm going to fall in love again, I want it to be real, with either a person, a passion, or with myself. I want to be able to look back next year find that I was able to let someone in again, learned how to better love myself, and if I'm going to meet someone special, be able to open up to them.
Recap Of My 2020 Mood Board
Now for the recap. So what actually did I achieve in the year? Did I achieve anything? A couple things? Well, let's take a look, shall we?
2020 Goals:
1. Travel
2. Buy a car
3. Move out with my best friend
4. Be more minimal
5. Dye my hair green
6. Start a blog
7. Paint more, focus on my artwork
8. Meet someone special, fall in love maybe
9. Get a dog
10. Let the pain go
I don't have pictures of everything, of course. But I did buy a car actually on the first day of 2020, then booked my flight to Puerto Rico literally 24 hours later. That was pretty crazy.
I did also dye my hair green, that was fun. Of course, I started this blog and put a lot of energy into it hoping someone out there hopefully relates to my content or just wants something nice to read in the morning with a cup of coffee in hand. Now, these are all the things I had on my board that I achieved. There were some things I wasn't able to, but that's okay.
I'm proud of myself for having achieved as much as I did and I think I had a pretty good year considering how much went down last year. The world is crazy, chaotic, and it doesn't always work with our plans and hopes. But you have to keep going and not let anything stop you from having the life you dreamed of and you just have to go for it, no matter what. You can make the life you've always wanted. It might not be easy, it might not even be as great as you imagined. But I promise you, it's going to be so worth it. Trust me.
2. Buy a car
3. Move out with my best friend
4. Be more minimal
5. Dye my hair green
6. Start a blog
7. Paint more, focus on my artwork
8. Meet someone special, fall in love maybe
9. Get a dog
10. Let the pain go
I don't have pictures of everything, of course. But I did buy a car actually on the first day of 2020, then booked my flight to Puerto Rico literally 24 hours later. That was pretty crazy.
I did also dye my hair green, that was fun. Of course, I started this blog and put a lot of energy into it hoping someone out there hopefully relates to my content or just wants something nice to read in the morning with a cup of coffee in hand. Now, these are all the things I had on my board that I achieved. There were some things I wasn't able to, but that's okay.
I'm proud of myself for having achieved as much as I did and I think I had a pretty good year considering how much went down last year. The world is crazy, chaotic, and it doesn't always work with our plans and hopes. But you have to keep going and not let anything stop you from having the life you dreamed of and you just have to go for it, no matter what. You can make the life you've always wanted. It might not be easy, it might not even be as great as you imagined. But I promise you, it's going to be so worth it. Trust me.