Bomb Recipe: Sweet Potato Chips
Hi there, hello. It's me. You're favorite little anti-social bean. So, if you noticed or didn't notice because you actually have a life unlike me, I took a little mini-break last week and didn't upload a post. So sorry about that. These past two weeks have been super busy for me out of nowhere so I needed a few days to kind of get things back in order and take some time to sleep in and be an adult even though I really don't want to. But apparently, I'm old enough to pay bills. Rude.
Anyway, I thought this week I would share another little recipe that I've recently been obsessed with. I've about three servings of these and they're just so good to eat as a snack or with a sandwich if you want something a little different to spice up a boring meal. It's super easy to make and all you'll need is a few ingredients and some extra time on your hands and you're ready to roll. Enjoy!
- 1-2 Sweet potatoes (depending on how much you want to make)
- 1/4 teaspoon pepper
- 1/2 teaspoon salt
- 2 teaspoons paprika
- 2 teaspoons garlic powder
- 2 tablespoons vegetable oil
*You can also add cinnamon to the spice mixture if you want to add a little bit of spice without adding any pepper. Feel free to add or leave out the spice depending on your preference!

2. Once sliced, place in a plastic bag or large bowl and pour in oil. Mix or shake the slices until all the slices are coated in the oil.
3. Mix the seasonings together and sprinkle them over the potato slices until all slices are coated in the mixture.
4. If you are using an air fryer, place the slices in the air fryer basket, being careful not to overlap the slices and fry them at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes. Check on them halfway through frying to make sure they don't burn. Leave them in for a minute or two longer if they're not as crispy as you prefer them to be.
If you're using an oven or microwave oven, bake them at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes, checking on them halfway through to ensure they don't burn. Leave them in the oven for an additional few minutes if they're not quite crispy enough for you.
If you're using an oven or microwave oven, bake them at 400 degrees for 10-15 minutes, checking on them halfway through to ensure they don't burn. Leave them in the oven for an additional few minutes if they're not quite crispy enough for you.

Once everything is cooked and ready, you're free to snack away! I'm telling you, these potato chips are seriously so good!! They are the perfect amount of sweetness and the perfect little snack that you make yourself and a little healthier then you're typical potato chips and also better-tasting in my opinion.
You can even make a bunch of sweet potato chips and put them in little sandwich bags to save for your lunches or in case you're craving a midnight snack. Or if you're just looking for a recipe to use up some of those sweet potatoes you have no idea what to do with, there you go.
I hope you guys enjoyed this little recipe and hopefully you end up making this delicious snack for yourself. What's your favorite thing to snack on or cook when you have a craving? Let me know in the comments! Until next time!