June IPSY Box Unboxing!
Hi, hello. It's me. You're favorite neighborhood weirdo. I'm back at it again with the makeup obsession and I need to stop being encouraged and enabled. Does that mean I'm going to stop getting makeup? Heck no. Am I going to try getting fewer products? Maybe. I'll think about it.
ANYHOO. Let's skip all the chit-chat because I'm excited to show all these cool things and frankly, I already do enough talking on these posts. I get very excited with new pretty things to play with. It gives me the greatest kind of joy.

The wand on this brush is absolutely HUGE. I forgot to take a picture of it and quite honestly I'm too lazy to do it now but it's about an inch to an inch and a half which is probably the longest want I've seen so far on a mascara.
Anyhoo, I haven't heard many things about this brand of makeup so I'm interested to see if this mascara could potentially be a runner up or even better than my favorite mascara which is going to be a huge challenge, I'm VERY picky with my products. I haven't tried this product out yet so I'm excited to see it on myself and see how it lasts, however, the first major downside I have is the spell. I actually smells like Flonase which isn't the greatest thing ever but maybe the performance will outshine the smell. Who knows.
The next thing I got is something I'm way too excited about because I have about a million of these things and I keep getting more without using the ones I have because reasons.
But I got these really cool Jayjin Face masks in three different . . . flavors? Scents? One is a calming face mask, a soothing face mask, and a brightening face mask. The soothing face mask is an avocado one and I LOVE avocado face masks. My favorite one by Toni Moly always leaves my face feeling so soft and smooth and so refreshed so I'm really eager to try this one that I got.
I'm also really happy because I got two packs of the face masks with three in each. My collection of masks is getting so big very quickly but like, it's fine. At least I have a mask for all seven days in the week for like two months. I'm prepared.

The next thing I got is probably my favorite product I received in the box. I nearly cried. It was REAL.
I got this Huda Beauty Saphire Obsessions pallet and just like the name, I'm already obsessed. The blues are SO. PRETTY. I've been wanting to put together a blue eyeshadow look for the longest time but I wasn't sure how to go about it. Blue is a hard color to work with and can quickly become a very tacky or even club night kind of look if not done carefully. I mean, if you want to do a crazy bright blue eye look to just go to the laundry mat, MORE POWER TO YOU. Work it, girl! Yas. But seeing as I don't like VERY dramatic colored eyeshadow looks on myself, I was kinda scared to even try it out. But, now that Huda Beauty herself has given me the power, who am I to ignore the call? Where's my blending blush?
The next product I got was this liquid eyeliner by Araceli. I've never heard of this brand before nor do I know anything about their eyeliners but I didn't care. I have an addiction to eyeliners and I own way too many for one person and only use like three of them because I'm very picky.
Which is why this eyeliner is going to have to step up its game to impress me. For the past few IPSY boxes, I haven't been satisfied in the slightest with the liquid liners I've been getting. I'm thinking about making a whole blog post reviewing my least favorite liners I have (it's kind of a lot) so let me know if that'd be interesting or not. Kay thanks! By the looks of it, the nib is nice and long, not too thick and not too thin and the product seems to come out inky and smooth on my hand. However. The true test has yet to come. Pray this liner makes it into my permanent collection because I will be testing the CRAP out of it. It's on folks.
And last but not least, I got this really cute makeup bag! I always love IPSY's makeup bags because they're always pretty cute in my opinion but this one is probably my favorite one so far.
It's bright and colorful and I love the pretty seafoam green color with the yellow ribbon on the zipper. I think this would be a really good makeup bag to bring with you to the pool or the beach as it's waterproof so it'd be nice to put in maybe a mascara, some sunscreen, or even put your phone into it to help protect it from the hot sun and the water.
I actually am planning to use a couple of the IPSY makeup bags that I've gotten as little emergency kits to keep in my car and in my purse either for shark week (because that's ALWAYS a fun time) or as a mini beauty emergency kit with a couple basic products the keep safe and sound just in case we have a beauty emergency. I like to be prepared for all scenarios.
The last two products I want to show are my add-ons that I chose to get for this box. I usually don't get add-ons very often but I found a couple that stood out to me that I wanted to try.
I had to get the face masks. I just had to. There was no way I wasn't getting the face masks to fuel my addiction. I got the papaya and lychee face masks by Hanalei. I've never tried a lychee face mask so I'm probably going to try that one first.
The second product I got was the Marc Anthony 100% Coconut Oil and Shea Butter Leave-In Conditioner. I recently just bleached and dyed my hair for the summertime and my ends are THIRSTY. I have plenty of hair masks and need to order more soon but I wanted to find a leave-in conditioner to help the process of healing my hair and keep it soft. I've heard a lot of good things about this product so I'm excited to try it out.
And that's the unboxing everybody! I hope at least one human enjoyed reading this post and if you have a favorite beauty product of the month, let me know what it is! Let's discuss, shall we? Until next time! BYEEEEEEEE.