Netflix and Quarantine: Shows I've Finished + Mini Reviews!
Hi, hello. How's everybody holding up during this lovely time in all of our lives? I really hope everyone is doing well and occasionally opening up a window to get some fresh air. I know everyone has been binge-watching something at least a few times a week because what else are we supposed to do all day, am I right? With all this free time, we can finally watch all those shows we kept saying we were going to start or finish.
However, I don't actually like watching television. I don't really know why but ever since I was about 14 or 15, I started to hate watching TV. Most of the shows I started, I quickly got bored of or they lost my attention or I didn't care enough to watch because that meant having to watch a bunch of commercials and only watching one episode a week. No thank you. But recently, a lot of shows have kind of been popping up and I thought I would try watching some just to have something to do.
I only watched one "real" show as there are multiple seasons but the rest were either mini-series' or docuseries'. I tried my best here, okay. At least I finished them. I'm currently watching a few other shows but I'm honestly struggling to finish a couple of them so maybe I'll make another list like this in the future once I've actually finished them. ANYHOO, here's what I watched on Netflix this past month, enjoy!
Title: Tiger King
Seasons: 1
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
If you've been on the internet for even just a minute, you'll know that during the month of April pretty much EVERYONE was talking about this show. I love documentaries and can spend an entire day watching them and be content so when I saw this one on Netflix, I decided to give it a go. Tigers are my second favorite animal and since there was a lot of drama going on with this show based on what people were saying about it, I couldn't pass it up. AND OH. MY. GOODNESS. It's addicting. Once you get past say the first three episodes, the drama just draws you in and you get to see the whole picture about what's really going on between everyone.
Now there are some things that Netflix left out of the docuseries that I've seen on the internet and there's even more drama now with how Netflix didn't portray people quite accurately, I would still mark this as one of the most entertaining and binge-worthy shows I watched this past month.

Title: Victorious
Seasons: 4
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐
Okay so. I'll admit it, I only watched this show because SO MANY PEOPLE were making videos about the series on TikTok because the tenth anniversary of the show was this past February and I thought, "Let's get nostalgic". I used to watch this show when it first aired but I never actually finished the show. I think I only watched the first season and the first half of the second season but never watched it to the very end. Like I said before, I hate watching TV and this was around the time I started to hate watching television. But I honestly can see why I might have stopped watching it besides that one little part.
This might be an unpopular opinion but . . . this show was really annoying and irritating to watch. I'M SORRY, I SAID IT. Now I love Victoria Justice, but I'm not the biggest fan of her character, that's for sure. The show did Jade, Andre and Cat dirty. I don't know, the songs weren't as amazing as I once thought they were and I don't see myself ever downloading any of the songs. To be honest, most of the songs were annoying. But maybe that's just because I listened to them so often whenever I was still watching the show a few years ago or maybe it's because my music taste has changed. Either way, watching the series was fun but it's not a show I'll be rewatching.

Title: Love Alarm
Seasons: 1
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐
I LOVE me a good Kdrama. I've been watching Kdramas for a few years now but recently I realized that it had been a while since I actually watched one. I'm usually always watching at least one drama but I hadn't watched one in a good minute. I had this show on my watchlist for a while so I decided to watch this one because the premise sounded really cute and kind of interesting. I mean, an app that notifies you that someone likes you? WHAT IS THIS SORCERY?
I LOVED THIS DRAMA. Currently, only season 1 is available to watch as the production of the second season hasn't started yet I don't think but hopefully, season 2 will be out in no time because I CAN'T. I NEED MORE. It's so freaking cute and sad and depressing but also funny and there's a love triangle and my emotions were everywhere while watching this show. It was beautiful. There are only 8 episodes but I HIGHLY suggest you check it out. GO. Right now. I'll let you borrow my Netflix!
Title: Don't F**K With Cats
Seasons: 1
Rating: ⭐⭐⭐⭐
As much as I love my Kdramas, I also love a good crime documentary. They're so entertaining for all the wrong reasons and it's kind of awesome that most of the world is obsessed with true crime series because then we all agree that murder is bad. Which is a very good thing in my book and I would like to keep it that way. I heard a lot of buzz going around about this series so when I found it by accident on my recommended, I immediately started watching it. It's only three episodes and I didn't know much about the series other than it was a little hard to watch.
BRO. This series made me so mad. But in a good way. I'm a HUGE animal lover and I cry whenever I see a puppy. Just seeing one, it could literally be playing or sleeping but I'm just gonna cry because it's adorable. So this one was hard to watch. Even though the series doesn't actually show anything, you are being told by the people involved in the investigation what's going on and what's happening in these horrible videos and just hearing the information is very disturbing. Watch with caution if you decide to check this one out but overall, it's a very good series and very well made.
What shows or movies did you watch recently while locked up in your tower? Let me know any recommendations you might have for me, I'm going to be stuck inside for another month it seems. *Cries in corner*. Until next time!