March Playlist: Mabel, Ilira + more
So March has come and gone. Thank goodness. I feel like March was supposed to be filled with more downs than ups. I mean, Friday the 13th occurred in March, Kenny Rogers died (not that I listen to country but it's still sad), the world went into quarantine and people bought all the toilet paper, and it also rained A LOT. At least in Texas it did. I had a fun vacation though so it wasn't all bad. I just came home to the entire US in quarantine.
On the upside, I definitely had plenty of free time to get things done like wash my makeup brushes, clean my room, wash my sheets, and also found some pretty good music. I mean, even though I'm an introvert it would've been nice to actually talk to another human being instead of having full conversations with myself and my giant Stitch plushes and eating way too many hot limon Cheetos because there was literally no one to stop me. Anyway.
Of course, all of these songs I didn't discover in March, some of these songs are just ones I listened to quite a lot this month for whatever reason. So here's just a little peak into the music I listened to this month. Fair warning: my music taste is a bit all over the place. But I'm a human so deal with it.
1. Black Swan - BTS
2. I Love Me - Demi Lovato
3. Boyfriend - Mabel
4. Still The Same - SHY Martin feat. Boy In Space
5. Fake Love - BTS
6. Mambo - Nikki Vianna
7. What A Man Gotta Do - Jonas Brothers
8. Get Off My D* - Ilira
9. Pretty Brown Eyes - Cody Simpson
So that's my March Playlist! I might make one of these every month since I listen to a lot of music so stay tuned! Pretty please, I need friends. If anyone has any recommendations for songs I should check out, please let me know. I'm always looking for some new bops to download into my glorified MP3 player that is my phone. Until next time!