Bullet Journal With Me: April 2020 Set-Up
Hi, hello, it's me. So our lovely April is finally here and hopefully by the time this post goes up, maybe things will be a little bit more normal. At the time I'm writing this, we're still locked in our houses afraid of the air and quite honestly, I've been taking a lot of walks through the park because the weather is REALLY nice right now and I regret nothing.
Anyway, I'm here today with my April set-up and thoughts on my bullet journal layouts for this month and I'm pretty excited about it, not even gonna lie. I decided that I was gonna try out a couple new spreads that I've seen recently and decided to leave out a couple spreads that I noticed don't really work for me or I haven't really been using. Maybe I'll bring back these old spreads or abandon some of these that I'm trying this month but time will tell. Without further ado, here's my April set up for this month. Enjoy!
So first thing is first, setting up my calendar month. I don't really change the layout or look of my calendar set-ups too much so I wanted to make this one look a little bit different and experiment with a couple different add-ons.
For one, I outlined my squares with a brown ink brush pen to add a little bit of dimension to the spread and give it more of an antique feel. The theme for this month is a little bit antique, cozy, coffee shop with a lot more doodles and decorative hand-lettering.
I usually keep my colors and elements to a minimum with my calendar spreads so I used this month to experiment with a different theme and using a busier layout than my usual minimalistic themes.
Two new spreads I'm going to be trying out this month are spreads I found while watching AmandaRachLee on YouTube. I love her bullet journal spreads and her videos are very relaxing to watch and make me want to bullet journal more and put more of my energy into sticking with it.
The first one I did was this spread to track any new things I did in April that I want to remember and take note of like a place I went, a movie I watched, a song I heard, etc. I added my own categories that I thought applied better to me so it's a fun little page to track what your favorite things were in the month.
The next spread is one I'm going to be using for my blog. I'm going to keep track of the blog posts I'll be posting throughout the month of April, this way it will give me a physical schedule of which blog posts are scheduled when and I can take notes on what blog posts did the best audience wise, if there was anything I would change about the post, if I think the post should be revisited later on, get a part 2, things like that.
This next one is more so of a yearly layout but I went ahead and put it in with my April spreads just to try it out for the year and see if it's something I want to incorporate whenever it's time for me to start a new bullet journal.
This spread will help me keep track and remember any fun places or trips I took in the year, my first one being my trip to Puerto Rico *cough* (which you can read about here) *cough* and my favorite memory from that trip as well as how long the stay was.
I don't have any plans to travel this year so far, since our favorite little friend is keeping us all inside for the time being, but hopefully I'll be able to make some travel plans for later in the year. Whether it be a road trip, traveling to another state, country, or just finding myself in a cool little spot I've never been to before. I can keep note of it right here and look back on how much I actually traveled in the year.
This one isn't my favorite but I still want to try it out and if I like it, I can always change up the layout or add some elements that I would like it to have.
This is my Book Of The Month spread where I can write down my thoughts on the book I read this month or even just my favorite book of the month. I never used to have time to read and slowly it became less of a habit for me to pick up a book. This year, I have 12 books I want to read (one for each month) and this is where I can write down my thoughts on the book, the author, my rating and reflect on what my favorite and least favorite parts of the book were.
I think I want to create a spread to help my keep track of how many books I read in the year so that will probably be a spread I add in for my May section of my bullet journal. I love books. My books are my friends. I promise I have human friends though. I swear. They're real. I have pictures.
I'll also be adding in my April playlist spread but I haven't made it yet. Give me a minute, I need to watch some Netflix first.
Spreads I'm Leaving Behind:

For me, my budgeting spreads are a dream. I know, I know. I'm probably the only young person who has a budget. UNHEARD OF. I use them to keep track of how much I get paid per payday and how much of it I'm putting into my savings account. Yes, I also like to SAVE my money. Weird, I know. I have another one that tracks how much I make monthly in total and how much money I saved in total and it really works for me. However one spread that I tried out for the past couple months that I didn't include this month were my "No Spending" charts. I like to see what days I didn't spend any money because it's something that makes me feel proud. $8 at Chick-Fil-A for a week can add up. But it was a little hard to keep track of and I often forgot to fill which days I didn't spend money and it became a guessing game.
I decided that it just wasn't a spread that worked for me and maybe I'll bring it back from the dead but for now, thank you, next.
So those were my spread for the month of April! Let me know what your favorite spread or least favorite spread is in your bullet journal if you have one. I would really love to know, I love finding new spreads to try out. Until next time!